Happy Wednesday and happy new year, my Dearest Twenty-Somethings! How I’ve missed you so. I hope everyone’s hanging in there and had a lovely, rejuvenating December. It’s a new year and I’m so happy to have you here!
This week’s newsletter is all about the ever-polarizing New Year’s resolutions. What we’re hoping for in 2022 and how we’re getting there. Cheers!
Ah, what a year! We learned a lot, grew a lot, and hopefully fell in love with ourselves. As the saying goes, some years ask questions and some years answer them. And I think that pretty much sums it up.
This last year was a big one for me. In January 2021, I started Dear Twenty-Somethings as a creative outlet with a purpose—and I’m so grateful to have all of you along for this journey! Can you believe it’s been a year? I shot my shot, and I’m eternally glad I did. One whole lap around the sun with you all, what a treat!
As we enter 2022, the beginning of the year is a great time to set new goals, intentions and motivations for the year ahead. Maybe you want to spend less time on social media or find a new career path. Perhaps it’s as simple as quitting snacking after 10 p.m. Personally, this year I’m focusing on doing all things with serenity and severity. Life is short and I don’t have time for anything or anyone that doesn’t deserve my energy. For it’s a privilege!
I asked you all what your New Year’s resolutions were, plus what you thought of them more generally, and you can find your responses below. If you haven’t set any intentions for the year ahead, these might give you some good inspo. Obviously, every single day is the start of a new year, but I always find that after some reflection, I’m able to identify certain parts of myself that I want to lean into more. Happy Capricorn season, everyone!
Statistically, people do stick to resolutions better when they start on days of significance or starters (e.g. starting on Mondays, firsts of the month, birthdays, graduations, other milestones, etc.) because the day already has importance to them, so I think it can be a useful mental hack! My birthday is also in January (Aquarius represent) so I have double the drive to begin the new calendar year and year of my life with intention and momentum. In December I reflect upon my year and journal about my goals and intentions for the upcoming year!
Only buying clothes secondhand and limiting takeout to one day a week.
I love them! It’s exciting to feel like you’re turning a fresh new page! My main resolution is self-discipline in all areas of my life! I compared myself to others for so long instead of focusing on my own goals. I no longer want to be jealous AND stagnant because it’s a miserable place to be.
I like to think of it as a theme versus a resolution and my theme this year is health and wellness!
I don't like or use New Year's resolutions! Goals should be made on your own time, not the calendar year! I create individual goals to read certain books and to always have something planned on my weekends. Maybe my biggest new goal is to find a new relationship! I do definitely need to sit down and reimagine my long-term goals, but I've been taking life month-by-month this whole pandemic.
I am such a sucker for New Year’s resolutions! My big one is to spend less time on my phone and to be more intentional with my free time—reading more, practicing the hobbies I love, and reaching out to friends I’m not in close proximity to anymore.
Run a half marathon, get two poems published, stop skipping ab workouts when I go to the gym (do them 3x a week), make my bed every day (why do I dread this simple task?!), develop one roll of film per month, practice Spanish as much as possible, get a wetsuit and swim in the ocean more, stop being on my phone in bed. Time isn't real but I appreciate a collective moment of reflection/wiping the slate clean/trying to be better!
To be more confident and self-assured when making decisions and to be more forgiving to myself.
To drink more water! I never drink enough and feel like I’m dying. I think resolutions can be good as long as they’re obtainable.
To find a therapist!
Learn how to swim!
Make time for creativity in my daily life, build community, take more chances and MOVE OUT!
To stop saying sorry! Not procrastinating things I’m scared about! Asking for help!
And with that, happy New Year, my Dearest Twenty-Somethings! I’m feeling all warm and gooey from all these hopes and dreams for 2022. I can’t wait to start this journey with you! Next week’s newsletter will focus on how to attain these goals, and what a wellness-focused New Year really looks like.
In case you were wondering, I’ve been listening to my winter playlist, which you can find here. Without further ado, here are a few picks to get you through the week:
Atomic Habits by James Clear - This week’s reccs are all self-help books I think are great to kick off 2022 with. I’m a creature of habit as we know, and we can all benefit from Clear’s insights and actionable tips. Yay, healthy habits!
Untamed by Glennon Doyle - I read a lot of middle-aged white women’s self-help books last year, and I’m trying to taper myself off—but I really appreciated her perspective on living your truest, most beautiful life!
Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans - This is a great read for any Twenty-Something trying to carve out a fulfilling path in this life, specifically career-wise. They give super helpful exercises and practices to get you where you want to be, or at least a little bit closer.

Public Toilet Poetry - Pretty self-explanatory. There’s something about defacing public property with art that just gets me going!
NYT Cooking Comments - Pure comedy. Lots of irrelevant anecdotes and personal musings in the NYT Cooking comment section. LOL!
Vinegar Mami - Again, this is me! I created a new account for all of my close-up shots, scenery pics, and daily postings of the things that amuse me. Much love!
bell hooks from Communion: The Female Search for Love
“The one person who will never leave us, whom we will never lose, is ourself. Learning to love our female selves is where our search for love must begin.”
Affirmation of the week: A wonderful, productive and successful time is starting now.
Question of the week: What intentions can you set today to guide you through an abundant 2022?
Thank you all for reading this week’s newsletter! I’m always looking to improve my work, so leave a comment, send me a message, or fill out this form to tell me about what you want to read about in upcoming Dear Twenty-Somethings! I’m all ears. Also, if you know anyone who might be a good interviewee for the newsletter, let me know in the form. Thank you always!
Connect with me on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Goodreads or online if you feel so inclined. And check out the last newsletter here in case you missed it!
If you liked what you read, send this newsletter to a friend! Heck, send it to 10 friends! Sending love and light to you, wherever you are. 🌟
Cheers & happy Wednesday! Stay well and I’ll talk to you next week.
xoxoxo, Quinnie <3